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- DSHS Updates COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ
DSHS Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Question DSHS updated their FAQ page to include community-based intermediate care facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability or related condition, regardless of size, and small group home residence settings (three and four-person residences) that are owned and operated by certified Home and Community-based Services Medicaid Waiver Program providers in the definition of "long-term care facilities." Read the COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs on the DSHS website.
- EVV Policy Update: 90 Day Visit Maintenance Temporary Policy
EVV Policy Update: 90 Day Visit Maintenance Temporary Policy HHSC posted the Electronic Visit Verification Temporary 90 Day Visit Maintenance Policy (PDF) on the HHS EVV webpage. The policy: Is effective on Jan. 1, 2021. Applies to all program providers, financial management services agencies and Consumer Directed Services employers required to use EVV. Allows 90 days to complete visit maintenance, instead of the standard 60 days, for visits with dates of service from Jan. 1, 2021–March 31, 2021. Gives Cures Act program providers, FMSAs and CDS employers required to use EVV beginning Jan. 1, 2021, more time to familiarize themselves with the EVV system and the visit maintenance process. As a reminder, program providers currently required to use EVV have 180 days to complete visit maintenance for visits with dates of service from March 21, 2020–Dec. 31, 2020, as described in the Temporary EVV Policies for COVID-19 (PDF). Contact your payer with policy questions or email HHSC EVV.
- A Special Tribute
In Loving Memory of Gene Whitten-Legé Gene Whitten-Legé a 50+-year resident of Houston, Tx passed away 02/21/21 at the age of 82. Bradshaw Carter funeral home in Houston, Tx provided cremation services. Memorial and burial services will be announced later in the year. He was the active CEO and co-founder of In-Home Attendant Services. He was successfully moving into remission from Leukemia until Covid attacked on multiple fronts. From the hospital, he checked on business every morning. The day before his death he seemed in good spirits and was on a visual call with his wife and business partner Pat, 3 of his sons Gene Jr., David, and Jon, daughter Joan, and granddaughter Jacqueline. Many of us can say, “He believed in me and challenged me to be my best self.” Special people in his life did that for him and he passed it on. Those of us who have worked with him know his heart and passion and are dedicated to do our best to carry it forward. He was passionate in all that he did and never hesitated to speak his mind. He filled a room with energy and piercing blue eyes. He was a seeker of knowledge, a philosopher, and advocate. He was a talker, a bit of a rebel and tinkered with everything. Computerization provided a whole new realm to learn and tinker. He loved getting to know people and seeing people grow. He was the 11th of 12 children in a blended family that moved from Louisiana to Port Arthur, Tx. Speaking only French, he entered Kindergarten. Following high school, he served as a Navy photographer in Europe. He earned a MSSW from UT Austin after getting his BA from Lamar University while working in the chemistry lab at Pure Oil and as a photo lithographer at Port Arthur News. As a Licensed and Certified Social Worker, he provided a lifetime of leadership in policy and program development, advocacy, and multiagency initiatives while serving in positions with the state of Texas, Catholic Charities, and home health agencies. As Executive Director of Harris County Child Welfare, he led the agency to national certification and established several innovative children’s services. He piloted the first Consumer Directed self-direction initiative in Texas for people with disabilities and served on the first State CDS Workgroup that established and expanded consumer direction. He was a member of NASW, several professional advisory groups, and a Board Member of Coalition of Texans with Disabilities. He is survived by his wife of 43 years Pat Whitten- Legé, their son Jon Whitten-Legé and 4 children from a previous marriage: Gene Legé, Jr, David Legé, Joan Legé-Krebs, and Joey Legé and 1 brother Gilbert J. Legé of Groves, Tx, 7 grandchildren with one on the way and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, and work family and friends. He was preceded in death by his 2nd son Rudy Legé, a talented Austin musician, his father and mother, 2 sisters, 1 brother and 7 older siblings from his blended family. The family thanks all of you of all faiths for your prayers and offerings. In remembrance of Gene’s life, the family asks that any charitable donations be made to one of the following charities or a charity nearest to your heart. The Acadian Memorial in St. Martinville, La. Coalition of Texans with Disabilities Parent to Parent of Texas SIMS Foundation for Austin musicians
- Payroll Updates
In-Home Attendant Services is experiencing continuous technical difficulties due to inclement weather. Update: Widespread power outages are causing some delay in payroll processing. As soon as power systems are back up, things will proceed at an expedited pace. We have limited staff available over the phone. Please e-mail your inquires to your assigned consultant. Our team might take up to 2 business days to respond. We apologize for any inconvenience and will get to your inquiries as soon as we can. Thank you, Your FMSA In-Home Attendant Services
- Deadline Extended to Sept. 30: Title V 2021 Young Adult Outreach Survey
Good afternoon, The Texas Department of State Health Services Children with Special Health Care Needs Systems Development Group (CSHCN-SDG) is extending the deadline to Sept. 30 for young adults to complete the 2021 Young Adult Outreach Survey. The survey is for young adults ages 18-24 with disabilities and/or chronic conditions. The survey is available in English and Spanish and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. English young adult survey Spanish young adult survey We need your help by sharing it with young adults with disabilities and/or chronic conditions your organization serves. The purpose of the survey is to learn from young adults about their experience with services for CYSHCN in Texas. DSHS will use survey feedback to identify gaps and needs in programs and services. Results will be shared with the public and other state agencies to help improve outcomes for the CYSHCN and young adult populations. If you have questions, please reach out to our team at We greatly appreciate your assistance in our efforts to improve services for CYSHCN, young adults with disabilities, and their families in Texas. DSHS' CSHCN SDG Team This service is provided to you at no charge by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Visit us on the web at
- DSHS News Release: Texas to receive record 2.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine for next week
Texas to receive record 2.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine for next week State today reports record 360,000 new doses administered More than 2.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine will be shipped to providers across Texas next week. The Texas Department of State Health Services is allocating 1,094,920 first doses to 2,011 providers in 200 counties, the largest number of doses and providers to date. DSHS is ordering 626,290 second doses for people vaccinated a few weeks ago. An estimated 900,000 additional first and second doses are expected to be available to pharmacy locations, federally-qualified health centers and dialysis centers as allocated directly by the federal government. Texas has now administered more than 11.8 million doses, an increase of 1.8 million in the last week, and 360,000 more than was reported yesterday. Nearly 7.8 million people have received at least one dose, and more than 4.3 million are now fully vaccinated. Among Texas seniors, more than two-thirds have received at least one dose, and nearly half are now fully vaccinated. More than one-third of all Texans at least 16 years old have gotten a shot and nearly one in five are fully vaccinated. As of this week, all Texans ages 16 and older are eligible to receive a vaccine. DSHS also launched the Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler at, which allows people to register for a vaccine appointment from a participating public health entity such as DSHS and some local health departments. Already, more than 125,000 people have registered. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today updated its travel guidance for people who are fully vaccinated, saying that they can safely travel within the United States and no longer need to get tested or quarantine before or after travel, unless their destination requires it. People who are not yet vaccinated should continue to stay home and quarantine for seven days after travel and get tested three to five days after returning. Vaccination has helped drive down the number of new cases and people hospitalized with COVID-19 to their lowest level since June. However, with hundreds of variant cases identified in Texas that have the potential to spread more quickly and cause more serious disease, vaccination remains critically important. The available vaccines have proven effective against the variant strains, so the more people vaccinated, the easier it will be to keep the variants under control and prevent new ones from emerging. People can find more information on COVID-19 vaccine at Helpful links: Weekly vaccine allocations, including the full list for the week of April 5 Vaccination hub providers with contact information DSHS/TDEM map of vaccine providers Texas Vaccine Data Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Wasted Report (News Media Contact: This service is provided to you at no charge by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Visit us on the web at
- New COVID-19 vaccine campaign highlights real Texans and their stories
Real Texans Ad - Michael Real Texans Ad - Vanessa Real Texans Ad (Spanish) - Vanessa
- HHSC Publishes Guidance for FMSAs and CDS Employers for COVID-19 (IL 2021-41)
HHSC has published Information Letter 2021-41 Guidance for FMSAs and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) Employers for COVID-19 (PDF). FMSAs, CDS employers and DRs are required to comply with state and federal laws, rules, regulations and letters regarding their Medicaid services. Due to the escalating situation of COVID-19, HHSC allows FMSAs to suspend face to face CDS employer orientations and reminds CDS employers and DRs that a service backup plan is required and should be in place. FMSAs are required to share the information contained in this letter with CDS employers and DRs. CDS Employer Orientations suspension is extended through September 30,2021. Email questions to
- W2 2021 Now available online
W2 2021 - Now available online Visit the Employee Portal to obtain your W2. EE PORTAL LINK and Instructions
- Vesta Geo-location Update
Effective December 19, 2021, Vesta will update the geo-location functionality on the Vesta Mobile Application from 100 feet distance to 250 feet distance. This means that if a CDS employee clocks in or clocks out using the Vesta Mobile Application and they are within 250 feet from the member home, they will not have to select a community location on the Vesta Mobile Application. • If the distance is within 250 feet, the service location is defaulted to Member Home and may be changed if necessary. • If the distance exceeds 250 feet, the CDS employee must select a service location before continuing. Beginning January 20th, 2022, if the CDS employee selects Member Home as the community location when clocking in or clock out more than 250 feet from the member’s location, the visit will not auto-confirm. If the Application is stating that you are more than 250 feet away from the member home and you are at the member home, please contact your CDS consultant immediately.