Devoted to giving you choices
To direct your own services
In-Home Attendant Services offers you the freedom of deciding how your Medicaid funded attendant care services are delivered. Whether you choose to use the CDS or Agency option, we can assist you with employing your own staff and directing your own services. We can also help train and manage personal assistant service attendants in your home.
Utilizing our CDS services will ease your transition from being on the outside of the decision making to becoming the employer. We are here to assist you with all of your needs regarding our service to you and our Employer Assistants are ready to answer your questions and deliver exceptional customer service.

State Programs

Family Care
Family Care is a nonskilled, nontechnical attendant care service for eligible adults who are functionally limited in performing activities of daily living. Primary Home Care provider agencies have the option of providing these services. Family Care services are provided by an attendant and do not require the supervision of a registered nurse.
Primary Home Care
This program is a nontechnical, medically related personal care service provided to adults whose health problems cause them to be functionally limited in performing activities of daily living, according to a statement of medical need. PHC provider agencies also provide Family Care services. This service also is a nonskilled, nontechnical service provided to eligible clients who are functionally limited in performing daily activities.
Community Attendant Services
Community Attendant Services is a non-technical, medically related personal care service that is available to eligible adults and children whose health problems cause them to be functionally limited in performing activities of daily living according to a practitioner's statement of medical need. Services are provided by an attendant.
Community Living Assistance and Support Services
CLASS provides home- and community-based services to people with related conditions as a cost-effective alternative to placement in an intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or a related condition (ICF/IID). A related condition is a disability, other than an intellectual disability, that originated before age 22 and that affects a person's ability to function in daily life.

Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities
This program provides home and community-based services to people who are deaf-blind with multiple disabilities as a cost-effective alternative to institutional placement. The program focuses on increasing opportunities for consumers to communicate and interact with their environment.

Managed Care Organizations (MCO)
HHSC contracts with managed care organizations, licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance, and pays them a monthly amount to coordinate health services for the Medicaid or CHIP members enrolled in their health plan. The health plans contract directly with doctors and other health care providers to create provider networks their members can use. The health plans are required to provide all covered medically necessary services to their members. To learn about each individual MCO we currently work with, please follow the link taking you to their site.